Fracture Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction:
GeoSierra has pioneered the use of hydraulic fracturing of low permeable
soils to enhance Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). Tight soils are not amenable
to conventional SVE due to their low permeability. Installing horizontal
sand filled fractures in these soils significantly increases the soil
mass permeability and greatly enhances the radius of influence of the
SVE extraction wells. Fracture enhanced SVE significantly reduces the
cost and time to remediate tight soil formations. GeoSierra has completed numerous fracture enhanced SVE projects at sites throughout North America. Many of the projects are operating chemical or manufacturing facilities requiring horizontal fractures to be installed beneath and around existing buildings and utilities. The buildings are monitored by a high precision bi-axial tilt meter and the fracture geometry is recorded during injection by the active resistivity method. The fracture enhanced SVE system typically consists of a high vacuum, high flow system to maximize removal of contaminants. A high vacuum stress toward the fractures is applied to permeable contaminants in the soil. Such a system typically results in planned levels of soil remediation within 1-2 years |
PDF (pdf 204 kb) Click here to view Dual Phase Fracture Enhanced SVE system (pdf 248 kb) |