GeoSierra's azimuth controlled vertical hydraulic
fracturing technology has been used to construct full-scale iron permeable
reactive barriers (PRBs) from moderate depths (~50 ft bgs) to significant
depths (>120 ft bgs). This vertical hydrofracturing technology constructs
the iron treatment wall from series of conventionally drilled boreholes
along the prescribed wall alignment, with a specialized frac casing grouted
into the boreholes. The iron treatment wall is constructed by injection
of the iron filings into the frac casings with real time quality assurance
monitoring of the injections to quantify the PRB geometry and iron loading
densities and validate the wall placement is in accordance with design
GeoSierra technology and installation
methods have advanced significantly in the past five years. With
each new project, we apply our continuously improving best practices
along with our patented tools and processes to remediate groundwater
plumes that in most cases, because of their depth, would otherwise
be impossible to reach with an iron PRB wall. This is not to say
we don't install shallow walls because we do. In fact, because of
the many advantages of our installation technology, in addition
to being the go-to choice for deep PRB installations, we are also
often the best choice to design and install PRBs at depths less
than 40 feet. Having said this, it is worth noting all of the significant
additional benefits to be gained by GeoSierra installed PRBs. |
Construction of deep PRB systems with
significant cost savings and superior remediation efficacy over
alternative remedies. |
Proven technology with demonstrated effectiveness
of placement of iron PRBs at both deep and shallow depths. |
Installs a continuous iron filings PRB
wall with high permeability and porosity. |
Minimal impact on the natural groundwater
flow regimes. |
Quality assurance and verification tests
for confirmation of constructed PRB geometry; continuity, iron loading,
thickness, height, length and hydraulic characteristics. |
Minimally invasive installation of PRBs
in congested workplaces in and around buildings, underground and
overhead utilities and right of ways. |
Trenchless construction - no excavation
and minimal site disturbance. |
Very safe with low risk exposure to personnel
and property. |