GeoSierra's expertise in design and construction of
successful installation of PRBs extends well beyond on-site performance.
Our effectiveness in laboratory analysis, state of the art office facilities, specialized PRB construction equipment, and specialized workshop, all complement our full line of services to our clients.
Specialized PRB Construction Equipment: Complete range of specialized equipment for shallow and deep installation
of azimuth controlled vertical hydraulic fractures,
handling and mixing of iron filings, dust control equipment, drilling rigs,
forklifts, truck mounted pumping and hydraulic power units,
instrumentation trailer and support vehicles. |
Workshop: Complete workshop
with lathes, mills, welding equipment, product assembly lab
and equipment maintenance resources. |
Office Facilities: Professional
office facilities including CAD, GIS, and computer modeling
stations. |
Laboratory Testing: Geotechnical,
hydrogeological and chemical testing laboratory. Laboratory
tests include a complete range of standard tests plus specialized
tests for low head permeameter and electro-osmosis of soils.
Other tests include treatability tests for site groundwater
and quality assurance tests on zero valent iron filings. |