+1 (770) 559-4429   info@geosierra.com


Earthquake Liquefaction - Tokyo Bay

At least 50% of Tokyo Bay's petrochemical complexes are estimated to be at risk of liquefaction. Tokyo Bay is an excellent example of what could occur in a major

earthquake exciting liquefaction in the sediments around the existing facilities. The damage to the industry and high risk of environmental pollution can not be

understated. GeoSierra' earthquake defense system using electro-osmosis is a viable retofit system to stabilize liquefaction during an earthquake event.


To conventionally stabilize the existing structures and foundations due to  liquefaction during an earthquake event would be an enormous cost and effort. GeoSierra's

electro-osmosis system is a viable and economical solution to stabilize these facilities during an earthquake event, thus minimize and mitigate the damage and

environmental pollution that would result from even moderate earthquake.


Tokai Earthquake

The Tokai megathrust earthquakes typically occur every 100-150 years with a magnitude of ~8.4. The last Tokai earthquake occurred in 1854. The Hamaoka nuclear

plant is in considerable risk of a Tokai earthquake. At present it is shut down, and a sea wall is being built to protect the facility from a tsaumi. However, permission

to restart No. 4 reactor has only recently been applied for. The remaining reactors 1, 2, 3 & 5 have not yet been decommissioned.


Mud Slide Stability

GeoSierra's electro-osmosis system can stabilize a mud slide once accelerometers detect the P wave arrival or slide movement, the electrodes are energized

automatically and thus stabilize the slope - see the video describing Casagrande's work on the immediate stabilization of unstable soil slopes 



Tokyo Bay - PetroChemical Facilities

El Salvador Earthquake


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